We booked through Trans Niugini Tours, http://www.pngtours.com/ directly
and organized our own return flights from Australia to Mt Hagen. Our package
included pickup and drop off from Mt Hagen Airport (which we were informed was
soon to become international, with flights direct from Cairn’s in Australia).
The airport is known locally Kagamuga Airport and lies about 10km from
Mt Hagen. A pickup bus was waiting
for us upon arrival as planned and it takes about an hour to drive up to the
The lodge which is about 2200 meters asl has breathtaking views over the Wahgi Valley and Mt Hagen and
there is an ongoing program to plant more trees and continue to entice even
more birdlife. The staff and locals in the area were extremely friendly. For
more information the lodge website has an excellent traveller’s information
page http://www.pngtours.com/TNT_Travellers_booklet.pdf.

At first we thought the expense was high but when you take into
account the quality of the lodging & food and consider what is included
with the package combined the true cost of running such a lodge one can begin
to appreciate the expense. That said it
may be possible to negotiate ‘off season’ rates. We did experience a few power
outages, but this is to be expected at such locations. The lodge generates its own electricity
through the use of its own hydro system. Throughout our stay the owners and
staff went above and beyond to ensure our stay was outstanding and at no time
did we feel unsafe. Put simply ‘nothing was too much trouble’. The lodge also
offers cultural tours into Mt Hagen and has a wide selection of New Guinea
artefacts for sale.
Weather and conditions
The weather here is consistent and for the most part pleasant
throughout the year. Mostly clear in the mornings with fog to be expected at
higher altitudes with clouds building up during the afternoons for possible
showers late in the day, normally between 4pm and 6pm. Temperatures are cool in
the mornings but for the most part very pleasant. Trails are normally muddy so
water proof boots were used throughout.
Mosquitos although present were not a major problem and malaria is not
present at this altitude we saw only one leech and thankfully did not
experience any issues with chiggers.
There are many trails close to the lodge and a map of these (along
with a bird checklist) is provided upon arrival. Remarkably the area boasts
over 130 species. Additionally there is
a main trail to the summit that will require a guide. This trail can be quite a
tough climb with gear but is so worth the effort; it takes about an hour and
half to reach the main summit clearing and another half hour to reach the
actual summit. The summit clearing is an area that has a few trees cleared and
is particularly good for Sicklebills and the King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise.
Food & Water
Water at the lodge is filtered and purified throughout, in fact we
just filled water bottles straight from the tap (not something I would do
anywhere else in New Guinea) and the food is just excellent. Each day that we walked to the summit areas
breakfast was provided by sending a porter up with a picnic breakfast and on
one occasion we were simply staggered to find lunch delivered in the form of a
gourmet hamburger and chips.
Birding & Photography in general
As is often the case in Papua New Guinea bird density was low and
for the most part birds are very wary. Nevertheless, birding here is an
experience never to be forgotten especially for those interested in seeing the
birds of paradise in their natural habitat. Also on offer for those interested
in targeting bird families is the Mottled Berryhunter and Wattled Ploughbill
and this is certainly a wonderful locality for both. New digital cameras these days can be
outstanding when combined with a good lens (even within dark forested areas)
but for the more unusual species a lot more time is needed, as once again many
birds here can be very shy. 400mm or
longer lenses are best.
Species List (P = photographed) Taxonomy follows IOC 6.3
– Kites, Hawks & Eagles
Long-tailed Honey Buzzard Haliaeeus
One flew over the clearing near the summit
Brahminy Kite Haliastur
A few sighted souring from the lodge grounds
Black Kite Milvus migrans
A few sighted souring from the lodge grounds and around Mt Hagen
Black-mantled Goshawk Accipiter
Two sightings, both from the summit clearing. (P)
– Pigeons & Doves
Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia amboinensis
Small numbers in the
orchard areas just above the lodge and around the helipad clearing (P).
Bar-tailed Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia
Common in the orchard areas just above the lodge and around the
water tanks (P)
White-bibbed Fruit Dove Ptilinopus
Seen each day that we visited the summit clearing (P)
Rufescent Imperial Pigeon Ducula
One very cooperative bird at the summit clearing (P)
Papuan Mountain Pigeon Gymnophaps
Regular flyovers at higher altitudes, especially from the summit
- Cuckoos
Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx ruficollis
One seen on the 1st September on the lower sections of
the main summit trail
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis
One heard calling in the valley below the lodge.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis
A bird assumed to be this species (or Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo
perhaps) calling from forest at the very summit above the summit clearing.
- Owls
Papuan Boobook Ninox
A pair near the lodge carpark and a few more heard in the forest
as we walked the summit trail in the dark in the early mornings (P).
- Frogmouths
Papuan Frogmouth Podargus
One found roosting by our guide Joseph in a rainforest gully just
below the lodge (P)
– Owlet Nightjars
Feline Owlet Nightjar Aegotheles
We heard these to be calling throughout forested areas below the
wet mossy areas; they seemed to prefer the lower altitudes. They responded well to playback but
frustratingly, always remained out of view.
Mountain Owlet Nightjar Aegotheles
Two were calling at the summit clearing area when we arrived at
dawn, one of which was seen.
– Swifts & Swiftlets
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia
Fairly common in many areas
Mountain Swiftlet Aerodramus
Just a few sightings around the summit areas of what we assume
were this species.
– Bee-eaters
Rainbow Bee-eater Merops
Heard high over the forest at higher altitudes daily but seen only
- Falcons
Brown Falcon Falco berigora
One flew across grassland near the gate entrance.
– Old World Parrots
Stella’s Lorikeet Charmosyna
Common around the summit clearing and many fly through sightings
elsewhere (P).
Yellow-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus
A few seen mostly around the half way mark as we climbed the
summit trail (P).
Orange-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus
A few around the summit clearing area (P).
Blue-collared Parrot Geoffroyus
A party flew across the summit clearing one morning
Modest Tiger Parrot Psittacella
One heard calling (identified by our guide) as we descended one
- Bowerbirds
Macgregor's Bowerbird Amblyornis
Quite common in the area, but difficult to observe well. We saw one from a hide at one of the active
bowers about half way up the main summit trail and a few incidental sightings
elsewhere. Best areas seemed to be the
upper sections. The local guide knew the locality of many of the bowers that
were off the main trails. Some of the older bowers had been disturbed by locals
and the hide that we visited was in need of repair.
Yellow-breasted Bowerbird Chlamydera lauterbachi
Just the one sighting of a bird in flight at the entrance to the
– Australasian Wrens
White-shouldered Fairywren Malurus
A grassland species that was quite common around the lodge itself
Orange-crowned Fairywren Clytomyias
Small parties regularly encountered, preferring sedge and bamboo
areas within the forest especially towards the summit clearing. Although also seen
in the dryer forest lower down (P).
– Honeyeaters
Mountain Myzomela Myzomela
A few sightings around the lodge, especially along the road
between the gate and the lodge itself (P).
Red-collared Myzomela Myzomela
Common in forested areas above the lodge.
Rufous-backed Honeyeater Ptiloprora
Common, especially around the summit clearing and upper areas of
forest (P)
Common Smoky Honeyeater Melipotes
Most sightings were around the summit clearing and upper sections
of the forest.
Black-throated Honeyeater Caligavis
Seen each time we visited the summit clearing (P).
Yellow-browed Melidectes Melidectes
Common throughout the upper forested areas (P). Our guide told us
that Belford’s Melidectes is also in the area but we did not see any.
Ornate Melidectes Melidectes
Easily located in trees around the cultivated areas below the
lodge (P).
– Australasian Warblers
Mountain Mouse-warbler Crateroscelis
Most often encountered higher up.
Particularly in the forest surrounding the summit clearing or higher.
Papuan Scrubwren Sericornis
The most common scrubwren in the upper forested areas (P).
Large Scrubwren Sericornis nouhuysi
A few as we entered the forest above the lodge.
Buff-faced Scrubwren Sericornis
Fairly common around the summit clearing and surrounding upper
forest (P).
Brown-breasted Gerygone Gerygone
Common around the lodge
– Berrypeckers & Longbills
Mid-mountain Berrypecker Melanocharis
The common Berrypecker throughout.
A fruiting tree at higher altitude was the most productive spot (P).
Fan-tailed Berrypecker Melanocharis
Three or four seen well around the summit clearing and nearby
fruiting trees (P).
Slaty-bellied Longbill Toxorhamphus
Only seen in flight in the forest near the lodge itself so we were
not entirely sure that they were not Yellow-bellied Longbill,
– Whipbirds, Jewel-babblers and Quail-thrushes
Spotted Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa leucosticte
A few were heard calling about half way up the summit trail but we
did not spend time trying to lure them in.
– Boatbills
Black-breasted Boatbill – Machaerirhynchus
A few pairs around the summit clearing (P).
– Woodswallows
Great Woodswallow Artamus
A pair near the entrance gate
– Mottled Berryhunter
Mottled Berryhunter (Mottled Whistler) Rhagologus leucostigma
Rondon Ridge is a key site for this difficult species that has now
been placed into its own family. We
heard them daily in areas about half way up the summit trail and in forest
surrounding the summit clearing. We saw
birds briefly without playback twice by simply looking carefully for birds that
were calling. Three more were attracted to playback but proved very difficult
to observe well. In total 4 birds were seen. Most were in the understory
although; at one spot they were chasing each other more towards the canopy. At
this time of year (we suspect after breeding) they were not calling often and
were not responding well to playback. This could be that the call we had
appeared to be of a different dialect as it had more notes to it. In each case
the birds appeared to favour the more densely vegetated gullies within the
forest. The call is conspicuous and is the best way of determining their
– Cuckooshrikes
Stout-billed Cuckooshrike Coracina
One bird flew across the summit clearing one morning.
– Sittellas
Papuan Sittella Daphoenositta
A party of about 10 about 2/3rds of the way up the summit trail
(P). Note: now split from Varied Sittella (P).
– Wattled Ploughbill
Wattled Ploughbill Eulacestoma
Another key species that is now in its own family. Heard a lot
more than seen and quite common throughout the bamboo areas particularly at
higher altitudes around the summit clearing.
Two males were seen along with 3-4 female and juvenile birds. Best
located by call near areas of climbing bamboo in the upper forest areas. The call is very similar to that of
Black-throated Robin (P).
– Australo-Papuan Bellbirds
Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas
Only a few sightings. All from the lower forested areas above the
lodge. One bird seen feeding a juvenile
and quite a few were heard calling.
– Whistlers & Allies
Black Pitohui Melanorectes
Five seen. All were in the
lower forested areas along the main summit trail. Difficult to view at close
Sclater’s Whistler Pachycephala
A few sightings throughout the forested areas. Mostly at higher
altitude (P).
Regent Whistler Pachycephala
Quite common in the upper mossy forest areas. Several were seen feeding young birds
Little Shrikethrush Colluricincla
Only one seen, which was in the forested area just above the
– Shrikes
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius
Easily located in grasslands below the lodge (P).
– Fantails
Willie Wagtail - Rhipidura
Easily located in cultivated areas below the lodge (P).
Black Fantail - Rhipidura
Quite conspicuous along the forested trails about half way up the
summit track (P).
Dimporhic Fantail Rhipidura
A few seen, mostly at higher altitudes (P).
Friendly Fantail Rhipidura
One of the more conspicuous species throughout (P).
– Melampitta
Lesser Melampitta Melampitta
Commonly heard throughout, mostly in dense gullies higher up. Seen a few times without much effort.
- Ifrita
Blue-capped Ifrit Ifrita
A confiding party seen a few times at the edge of the summit
clearing (P).
- Birds-of-Paradise
Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia Astrapia
One or two females close to the lodge and one feeding a young bird
along with a male near the summit clearing and a few other sightings in upper
forested areas.
King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise Pteridophora alberti
Conspicuous around the summit clearing. At least 3 males were seen (P).
Superb Bird-of-paradise Lophorina
Common in forested areas between the lodge and the summit clearing
but difficult to observe at close range. The guide new the main display areas
and of course finding a suitable fruiting tree a key technique for seeing these
birds (P).
Black Sicklebill Epimachus
This species is a Rondon Ridge speciality (such a magnificent
bird). The summit clearing is main
site. It is necessary to be there at
dawn or at least early morning. Birds
were calling (what a sound) from dawn to about 8.30am. They are a little shyer than the Brown
Sicklebill which is at the same site. We
only had brief views as it was calling from a difficult spot. Once you are at the clearing one cannot miss
hearing the bird.
Brown Sicklebill Epimachus
Once again the summit clearing is the main site at Rondon
Ridge. At least two males were active
each morning that we visited (P).
Blue Bird-of-Paradise Paradisaea
Another speciality of Rondon Ridge. Best approach is to identify the call which
is loud and conspicuous. Our guide
Joseph certainly new the best spots and led us to a display tree where the bird
was calling. It was then just a matter
of waiting for the bird to show itself.
This species prefers the forest at lower altitudes (P).
– Australasian Robins
Black-throated Robin Poecilodryas
A few seen and photographed at lower altitudes. The call is very similar to Wattled
Ploughbill (P).
Slaty Robin Peneothello
Quite common but often inconspicuous but seen in most forested
areas, especially areas that were denser.
Canary Flyrobin Microeca
Only a few were seen, mostly in moss forest higher up (P).
Lesser Ground Robin Amalocichla
Heard at higher altitude above the summit clearing.
– Leaf Warblers & Allies
Island Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus
Quite common in forested areas close to lodge and often in flocks
– Grassbirds & Allies
Papuan Grassbird Megalurus
A pair close to the gate entrance – took some time to see for us
as we did not have the call. Recently
split from Tawny Grassbird.
– White-eyes
Papuan White-eye Zosterops
Fairly common especially in the orchard areas near the lodge
although, quite difficult to get good views of here.
– Chats & Old World Warblers
Pied Bush Chat Saxicola
Easily seen around the lodge (P).
– Flowerpeckers
Red-capped Flowerpecker Dicaeum
Common around the lodge and nearby forest
– Waxbills, Munias & Allies
Blue-faced Parrotfinch Erythrura
I was hoping for Papuan Parrotfinch but the only bird seen well
seemed more in tune with Blue-faced.
Small head and bill and looking quite typical. We heard parrotfinch at
few spots but only managed the one decent view which was near the summit
clearing they are fast and very inconspicuous.
Hooded Mannikin Lonchura
Common in cultivated areas around the lodge
Prepared by
Tony Palliser
more information on our birding tours please see our sample itineraries under
Trips on our website www.pngtours.com
you have any queries or would like to be removed from this list please do
contact me.
Shirley Johnson
Sales Manager
Trans Niugini Tours
Twitter: @TransNiugini
Tel: +675 542-1438
Fax: +675 542-2470
Cell: +675 719-89397